Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A Return to Sanity

Hello again.

Well, I got the good word today that soil sampling is done for the year. Woo Hoo!

For those that may be unaware, the past month has been… well, busy doesn't even begin to describe it. I have been soil sampling for Centrol during the day, working the night job for Tri-State security during the wee hours and squeezing my schoolwork in besides. This past week, for example, I put in 86 hours of work and another 20 or so on school, so sleep has been something caught wherever possible in between. Because of this, work at and on Firestorm has been almost non-existant though I did manage to crank out a few minor projects anyway. Friday is pay day and that should be fun, but I am more than ready for a return to a more sane schedule. (Isn't it funny that we now consider only working two jobs + school to be sane?)

We got the Halloween thing taken care of last night, so there is candy galore in the house, but I haven't dove in it yet today. We decided we really like the chewy SweetTarts. I'll probably go look for some after I'm done with this post. I had a wonderful time wishing everyone a "Happy Reformation Day" since it was Oct. 31, 1517 that Martin Luther picked to nail up his 95 Theses on the church. This is the type of trivial factoid that I revel in sharing, and I love the astounded looks it elicits.

I've heard it said that for a Christian to celebrate Halloween is like asking a Jew to celebrate the Nazi party. I understand the thinking, but free candy is free candy. Just because the holiday is of pagan origin doesn't mean that we have to celebrate it in that way. Like everything, it's all about choices, and I choose to recall the wonderful contribution that Luther made when Oct. 31st rolls around… now give me my Snickers!

Be well. Hopefully, now that the scedule is a bit more manageable, I'll pop by here more often and will even be able to get back to adding content to the website to assist you all in spreading the Good News. See ya soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What is this sanity of which you speak?