Friday, August 25, 2006

New Projection Services Added

Well, I just bit the bullet and acquired a nice DLP Projector for Firestorm.

I've wanted one for a while, and it'll be nice to have, but they certainly aren't cheap!
At this particular time I have a client who needed me to provide projection services for an event, so it provided me with a good excuse, but I'm hoping there will be others of you out there that will need this service or it will turn out to be an expensive way for me and the kids to watch movies -really BIG movies- at home.

SO… if you've got an upcoming gathering and need some multimedia projected, give me a call.

…and I guess "Movie Night" at the church is officially a go, starting in September. Pastor Bob should be pleased at that news.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am NOT watching movies in the snow. So there.